What Rights Survive After a Criminal Conviction?
At Hug and Jacobs LLC, we believe that every person deserves to have their voice heard, even after a criminal conviction. As criminal defense lawyers, we understand that convictions can have lasting effects on an individual’s rights, but it’s important to know that not all rights are lost.
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Why Is Legal Support Necessary for Post-Conviction Relief?
Dealing with the law after a conviction can be a stressful task. Many individuals feel overwhelmed, believing that once a verdict is rendered, there’s little recourse left for them. As the criminal defense attorneys at Hug and Jacobs LLC in Omaha, Nebraska, we understand that post-conviction relief is a crucial avenue for addressing wrongful convictions, procedural errors, or new evidence that can potentially change the outcome of a case.
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Nebraska’s Good Samaritan Law & Drug Overdoses
If you've found yourself on this page, it's likely because you're seeking answers about Nebraska’s Good Samaritan Law and its application in drug overdose situations. You might be wondering how these laws can protect you or your loved ones from legal trouble when trying to save a life.
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Can I Be Arrested for Drugs That Aren’t Mine?
Facing a drug possession charge can be a frightening experience, especially when the drugs in question aren’t even yours. Unfortunately, under Nebraska law, it's possible to be arrested for drugs that don’t belong to you, depending on the circumstances of your situation.
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Possession vs. Possession With Intent to Sell
When it comes to drug possession, there is a clear difference between having drugs on your person and possessing them with the intent to sell. Both are serious offenses, but the distinction between them not only affects the severity of the charges but can also significantly influence the legal strategies employed in defense cases.
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What You Need to Know About Prescription Drug Crimes
Prescription drug crimes can lead to severe penalties and require a high-level understanding to navigate. Whether you're casually researching or seeking information for personal reasons, it's never a bad idea to familiarize yourself with these laws.
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